Chiropractic adjustments and related treatments are completely safe for both mom and baby, but always tell your doctors if you are pregnant or if you are planning on having a baby. This will allow your chiropractor to create a specialized treatment plan to provide the most benefit to you and your baby.
Chiropractic care can help with pelvic pain and sciatica during the pregnancy without the use of drugs. Pregnancy can put a lot of pressure on the mother’s pelvis. During chiropractic treatments for pregnant women, the doctor will help to loosen tight joints and muscles and can use soft tissue techniques to help relieve tension with ligaments. Chiropractic treatments can also help pelvis pain, which is caused when the pelvis joint is under added pressure and is tilting anteriorly during the pregnancy.
Chiropractic treatments can help you have a more pleasant and natural child birth, making the delivery process less painful and shorten the recovery time.
Care Chiropractic is currently accepting new pregnant chiropractic patients. We participate with most insurance plans and will submit all insurance claims on your behalf. Please call Care Chiropractic at 319-377-7331 to schedule an chiropractic appointment or ask any questions you may have.
If you’ve never tried chiropractic or weren’t satisfied with previous chiropractic care, please consider giving Care Chiropractic a try. Care Chiropractic is on 35th Street in Marion, conveniently located across from the Marion HyVee. We hope to see you!
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